A Letter to my Fiance, the Day Before We Marry.

Our chalkboard to-do list.Dear David,

When I first met you, I had no idea how you would change my life. I had no idea I would fall in love with you, that you would be the one person to truly understand me, or that you would be the man I had dreamed of meeting all my life. I had no idea that all those nights I spent crying with loneliness, all of those solitary roads I had spent years walking on, would lead to you.

….To read the rest of this post, please go to my updated BLOG, located at http://facingthelens.com/uncategorized/a-letter-to-my-fiance-the-day-before-we-marry. Thanks so much!

Narcissism – And a New Blog Focus

I’ve often believed that only a narcissist thinks that other people are interested in what he has to say. I think we all have a bit of a narcissist in us, don’t you? Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many personal blogs floating around this Series of Tubes we call the Internet. I know I wouldn’t have this blog if I didn’t think my photography was worthy of being looked at or purchased.

Well, I’ve decided to embrace my inner egotist and change up the focus of  my blog a bit. Writing only about this little side business I call Facing the Lens has been an interesting experiment, but one that has probably failed in many ways. My posts (let’s face it) aren’t terribly interesting or engaging, and my constant moments of existential crisis with regard to my craft can come off as whiny or needy.

And so, I’ve changed the name of my blog from Facing the Lens: Fine Art Photography to Facing the Lens: A Life Lived In Images.  I’ll probably end up tweaking that title at some point, but you get the idea. No longer will this blog be solely about my business, but will instead be more about my (ever-so-interesting) life. You too can thrill to tales of my mundane existence! Explore my trials and tribulations through the photographs I plan on posting! Literally see what I made for dinner! Gaze in awe upon endless photographs of my cats! Read about how annoyed I got at the post office!

Yes, it is truly an exciting time to be you.